3+3 for Clean Water

Did you know that in many countries around the world it only takes £3.50 and 3 minutes to give 1 person clean water for 10-20 years? You could change someone’s life in minutes! We’ve been blessed to be able to bring clean water to over 39 million people in Asia + Africa – donate today and partner with us as we transform communities through God’s love!

Just £3.50 can give 1 person clean water for 10-20 years 💧

How often?


national missionaries sent out


countries loved and served


received clean drinking water


Jesus wells each year


children sponsored


families taught proper sanitation

Who We Are

Our mission in life is to be devout followers of Christ and to live lives fully pleasing to Him. Therefore, since 1979, we have been committed to serving the “least of these” in Asia and Africa, often in places where no one else is serving, so they can experience the love of God for the first time.

What does this mean for us? We have an extraordinary challenge in front of us to collaborate with indigenous missionaries around the world and make an impact now and for generations to come.

Since our worldwide inception in 1979 we’ve been honoured to be able to help so many people and communities! 

Want to see more? Here are some other ways you can give! 👇

Or learn more about us!

Giving Categories

National Missionaries

By giving to our National Missionary category, you will help equip our workers to be the hands and feet of God.

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Child Sponsorship

By giving to our Child Sponsorship category, you will help to change the life of a child and their community forever.

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Sharing the Love of God

By giving to Sharing the Love of God, you will help GFA workers tell people about Jesus!

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Compassion Services

By giving to our Compassion Services category, you will help give relief in urgent situations.

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Breaking the Cycle of Poverty

By giving to our Breaking the Cycle of Poverty category, you will help provide families with gifts that will help change their future.

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Church Buildings

By giving to our Church Building category, you will help to provide a safe space for people to worship the Lord.

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By giving to our Livestock Category, you will help provide families with animals to help them create a stable income.

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Radio Broadcasts

By giving to our Radio Broadcast category, you will help to reach the most unreached places with a message of hope through the simple radio broadcast.

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Clean Water

By giving to our Clean Water category, you will help GFA’s clean water ministry that delivers safe, disease-free water to families in Asia and Africa.

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Bibles and Literature

By giving to our Bibles and Literature category, you will help to send Bibles for workers to give out.

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Medical Ministry

Too poor to afford things like vitamins, fruits and vegetables—or routine doctor visits—families in poverty are left vulnerable against simple diseases, which can eventually threaten lives.

Medical Ministry